IPL- Intense Pulsed Light laser treatment is also known as Photorejuvenation. This treatment is performed for skin repair and skin rejuvenation. It is done for people who want lightening and removing sun spots, age spots, and brown blotches on the face, neck, chest, hands and other areas of the body. Actually variety of skin problems and imperfections can be treated with IPL. These include; skin redness, rosacea and dilated blood vessels. This procedure is also performed to treat broken blood vessels on the face, neck and chest.
If a person is suffering from flushing, then this procedure is performed helping to control flushing. IPL treatment is performed by highly expert medical practitioners and when it is done just perfectly it gives greatest skin repair and skin rejuvenation results. The procedure requires repeat sessions. Generaly, it consists of series of 3-5 treatments.
Generally, sessions are performed after every three to six weeks. Little discomfort is associated with the procedure and little side effects also. The discomfort is tolerable and experts make sure patient is at minimal discomfort. And, side effects are normal and temporary. In IPL procedure, a device emits a range of light waves. These light waves are tuned and targeted at hemoglobin or melanin. Hemoglobin is the red blood cells in the blood vessels. And melanin is the brown pigment in freckles and age spots. The light beam passes through the skin. It is absorbed by either hemoglobin or melanin. And it results in to damage to the vessel wall or fragmenting of melanin pigment.
These tiny vessels and the melanin pigment are then absorbed by the body. And then rendering them less visible! Patient can notice some improvement with each treatment. The improvements also depend from person to person and on the severity of skin problem.
In Parnell and Remurera, skin care clinic is available where range of skin care treatments is being performed. These treatments are based on laser technique and are performed by highly expert medical practitioners. You can access online websites to gather more information and contact details of the skin care clinic. You can have consultation session with expert to understand what skin treatment is best for you to get rid of your skin problem.
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