IPL is a short term for Intense Pulse Light Treatment. It is performed for cosmetic care purposes for skin rejuvenation. In this procedure, an intense pulse light system is involved that works on the same principles as lasers. In the procedure a light energy is absorbed into particular target cells with color also known as chromophores in the skin. Actually this light energy is converted to heat energy that causes damage to the specific target area.
And, one thing to note here is that IPL systems are different to lasers. This is because this is a system that delivers many wavelengths or colors in each pulse of light instead of just one wavelength. And these advance systems also use filters so that the energy output can be refined for the treatment of certain areas. Refining energy output enhances penetration without using excessive energy levels.
This enables targeting of specific skin components that absorb light. By medical practitioners this procedure is considered as therapy which is a non-ablative resurfacing technique. In simple words, it is considered as a therapy that targets the lower layers of skin without affecting the top layers of skin. Lower layer of skin is known as dermis. And the top layer of skin is known as epidermis. This procedure is fast and quick. It is safe and complete secure. It is performed by highly expert cosmetic experts or skin care medical practitioners in Auckland.
Other advantage of IPL therapy is it has minimal downtime. And a patient can often have the procedure done in their lunch break and return to work immediately afterwards. The results are great. A range of skin problems or skin imperfections can be treated well and efficiently by performing IPL procedure such as; it is used to remove unnecessary hair from body areas. It is used for the treatment of spider and thread veins, and some vascular birthmarks as well. And it is performed to correct age spots, freckles, flat pigmented birthmarks and other skin discoloration problems.
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